Increase the Good Vibes at Home

Nothing beats coming home to a cool, cozy space that you can’t wait to kick back and relax in. I am totally loving my good house vibes these days, so I wrote a list of some of things that help keep my home in a positive groove.
1. Make the bed, er’y day
Once I started making the bed every day, it became so much easier to start on other small chores around the house. And bonus – keeps my clutter habits in check. Even if I don’t make it further then the bed that day, it feels like a win.
2. Great lighting
This is a big one for me. Soft, warm light with lamps and dimer switches, are key to changing a rooms vibe. Calm, low lighting helps me chill and the ambiance is magic.
3. Plants
Recently I read a blog that said having plants at home improves overall health and even life expectancy in women. Major good vibes!
4. Displaying with purpose
I love to show off my collections and art work, but they can easily become an eye sore or clutter trap if I don’t refine what I display. What’s worked well for me is using cool focal points and bringing common items together. When in doubt, try a another layout.
5. Lovely Candles
With amazing local brands like Woodlot and Harlow, beautiful clean burning scented candles have reached a new level of lovely at home. I can’t wait to relax and enjoy a scent that takes me places with a flickering flame in the background…mmmm candles.
7. Share your home with some good peeps
This is why people have house warming parties! Sharing our spaces brings awesome good vibes into our homes. So if it’s been awhile since you hosted anyone, invite some fave people over to shake things up.
So what are some of the ways you keep the good house vibes flowing at home? Feel free to share!
xo Carrie

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